
Samia Addad

︎ designwithsamia
︎ www.designwithsamia.com
︎ London, UK
67% of plastic waste comes from packaging and we consumed 5.2 billion food containers in 2018 in the UK.

Gobibox is reusable, returnable dried food packaging accompanied by a service. This project motivates positive change in reducing wasteful consumption. This is done with both the transit container and a portion control app. The food safe, polypropylene container is adjustable in size with adaptable dividers. The container is designed to be held underneath the food dispenser in no-waste stores. The strap holds the container components together and attaches to the body during transportation.

This product and system work hand in hand towards encouraging behavioural change. Gobibox allows one to borrow a container, a similar method to borrowing a library book for a small returnable deposit. The system is aided with an app which asks for information from the user, including the rough amount each household member eats to create portion advice.

The issue with no waste supermarkets, is that many would not have a container in their possession, which would result in using a paper bag to shop with. This improvement for the world of no waste welcomes more users as the shopping experience becomes convenient.

Stamps Yard

Samia Addad

︎ designwithsamia
︎ London, UK
Approximately 15% of fabric intended for clothing finds itself on the cutting room floor and 350,000 tonnes of clothing goes to landfill every year in the UK.

Stamps Yard is a printing workshop that educates visitors on the history of Coal Drops Yard through visual semiotics in the form of stamps. These images display the different historical uses of the current retail spaces: from imported coal that was stored in the warehouses to power London in the 1800s, to the energetic and unapologetic rave subcultures of the 1990s.

The fabric for the hats and scarves is produced with ‘rag’, a range of scrap fabrics from Boutique by Shelter, a charity store in the area. This workshop aims to inspire the user to see value in unwanted fabric and to create emotional and personal connections with material that could have ended its life in a landfill, while learning about the history of the area.

The workshop provides the visitor with premade bucket-hats and satin scarves as blank canvases ready for personalisation. The user achieves this with the stamps and fabric paint also provided, resulting in a fashionable memento to take home.

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